2024APR Observing Schedule Proposals Legend

Project IdentProject Description (Principal Investigator)
TrainingMurriyang Observer Training (Sarkissian)
P116The 2024 periastron passage of PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 (Lower)
P455Timing and geodetic precession in the double pulsar (Burgay)
P456A millisecond pulsar timing array (Hobbs)
PX500FAST: category 1 purchased time (Li)
P574Young Pulsar Timing: Probing the Physics of Pulsars and Neutron Stars (Lower)
P595PULSE@Parkes (Pulsar Student Exploration online at Parkes) (Hobbs)
P885Understanding the Remarkable Behaviour of Radio Magnetars (Camilo)
P945NAPA: Catching the first transitional pulsar in an early-type binary system (Possenti)
P960Receiver characterisation (Sarkissian)
P971Orbital dynamics of PSR J1141-6545 (Venkatraman Krishnan)
P1032Timing southern binary pulsar systems (Grunthal)
P1054Follow-up of pulsar discoveries from MeerKAT searches (Burgay)
P1073Maser Monitoring Parkes Programme: M2P2 (Hafner)
P1083NAPA: Simultaneous radio/X-ray coverage of magnetars and ordinary pulsars following an X-ray activation (Possenti)
P1101Monitoring FRB 20190520B with the Parkes Ultra-Wideband Low receiver (Dai)
P1102NAPA: A movie of a dynamic magnetar magnetosphere (Lower)
P1122NAPA: Monitoring pulse shape changes in the International Pulsar Timing Array data sets (Mandow)
P1123PEGASUS (Carretti)
P1165Timing of two Intermediate-Mass Binary Pulsars (Bai)
P1168Continued Timing of Pulsars in Terzan 1 (DeCesar)
P1171NAPA: Multiwavelength Constraints on the Nature of Fast Radio Bursts with Parkes and XMM-Newton (Eppel)
P1176Timing of a Young Pulsar Associated with the Bow-shock PWN CXOU J163802.6-471358 (Ahmad)
P1189A pulsar-based solar space weather monitoring network (Kaur)
P1198NAPA: Capturing a Galactic fast radio burst analogue (Lower)
P1229Expanding the Gamma-ray Pulsar Timing Array (Kerr)
P1238Searching for pulsars in new Galactic pulsar wind nebula candidates (Ahmad)
P1313Reconnecting the binary orbit of PSR J1638-4725 (Lower)
P1317A new millisecond pulsar towards the Galactic center (Berteaud)
P1320Constraining the age of a pulsar potentially associated with a supernova remnant (Sengar)
P1321Tiny but Important: Towards Statistics of Tiny-Scale Atomic Structure Using a New Mode on Parkes (Dawson)
P1322Confirming pulsar nature of steep spectrum sources from the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (Sengar)
P1323Seaching for Pulsar Binaries with Non-Degenerate Companions (Bennett)
P1327Searching for single pulses from an ultra-long period radio pulsar (Zhao)
P1328Studying wideband spectro-polarimetric behaviour of FRB 20180301A (Uttarkar)
P1330Determining Pulsar NGC6316A's Orbit and the Search for Additional Pulsars (Bhakta)